Friday, January 30, 2009

NURBS of Steel

Well, it has been a while hasn't it? I've been very busy (as usual, right?)
Anyway, this semester I began a 3D modeling class. Finally! I've been wanting to do this for years! Needless to say, it is awesome! Its one of my favorite classes. I wish I could dedicate more time to this class. I would love to have extra time to go into the lab and play around with Maya. But, alas, I am so busy!

Behold the awesome interface that is Maya! Above we have (from left to right) view from the top, perspective view, front view, and side view. All views are very helpful.

But I must say perspective view is pretty cool. You can already partially render your objects!

Oh! How terribly rude of me! I forgot to introduce you. These are my chess pieces.

These are the same chess pieces from another angle in the perspective view. With a click and drag of the mouse I can swoop around, looking at everything from every point of view.

I can even look up from under the grid! Can we say AWESOME?!!

I have never wondered until now why the bishop has a notch in his head. Now it just seems strange. Its supposed to symbolize a bishop's mitre (headgear), but it looks nothing like it to me.

And, look, I made a fancy chess board too. Now I have to resize the chess pieces.

Tada! Here is is rendered! Of course this project is nowhere near finished yet. I just wanted to show you all what I've been up to! I'll try to keep this blog up to date, but I can make no promises!

1 comment:

Lady G~ said...

Very kewel sweetie! I don't understand computer jargon, but it's real kewel looking!